About Me...

This is the story of a spoiled Stay at Home Mom of two lil' chicks in the South who abruptly finds herself deciding to Home School them. In Middle School. After 5 years of being at home all day. Alone. Well, except for the neurotic dog and cat. Oh yeah, and I'm an only child! Should be interesting...

Another Tid-Bit...

I've always wanted to write a blog but never really had a topic. I mean seriously, what would be interesting about a Stay at Home Mom running errands, walking the dog, volunteering, and creating a happy life for my family? Now, we are Home Schooling (HS) for the Middle School years. So, when people give me the "look" when I mention we are a HS family I can point them in this direction and they can read about our day.


PNut found some pipe cleaners yesterday and proceeded to create.  I just love the parrot.  It took alot of patience on her part and hot glue from me, but he came out so cute!

Summer vacation has been full of swimming at the pool, trips to the book store, meeting new friends from the North Wake Teen Co-Op group and creating projects from what we find around the house. 

But, next week we will start Science (Anatomy), Art and Latin.  They need something more challenging to do.  Keeps them out of trouble, too!

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