About Me...

This is the story of a spoiled Stay at Home Mom of two lil' chicks in the South who abruptly finds herself deciding to Home School them. In Middle School. After 5 years of being at home all day. Alone. Well, except for the neurotic dog and cat. Oh yeah, and I'm an only child! Should be interesting...

Another Tid-Bit...

I've always wanted to write a blog but never really had a topic. I mean seriously, what would be interesting about a Stay at Home Mom running errands, walking the dog, volunteering, and creating a happy life for my family? Now, we are Home Schooling (HS) for the Middle School years. So, when people give me the "look" when I mention we are a HS family I can point them in this direction and they can read about our day.

Unexpected Revelation

I tell people we are going to home school and I get one of two basic responses....

"Oh! Really?"

When they say this I know that they are screaming inside:  "Are you INSANE?  Around your kids 24/7?  No thank you.  I couldn't do it!"


"Really?  That is great!  You guys are going to be great at that!"

These people get us.  They know us.  They see the fun and love we share.

And through the last two weeks of the "telling" I have come to realize something.

I LIKE my girls.

I mean, really like them. 

They are fun to be around.  And during our recent track out I have been so glad to have them home.  I am going to miss them when they go back to school for their last 6 weeks of Public School.

I'm so thankful that I have girls that can make me laugh until I'm crying.

If you have ever seen Pony singing Wheezer's "Beverly Hills" you would need to reapply mascara, too!

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